Data Scientist

& Engineer

I’m a

Coding for Wellness

Harnessing data to bridge the gap between mental and physical health is my goal.

Ultimately, my aim is to provide clear health insights, making wellness both approachable and actionable.

During my Master's, I contributed to a project of estimating blood pressure using just an iPhone camera.

Diving into signal processing and machine learning techniques I managed to extract heart rate data.

And piece together insights about blood pressure.

Currently, I'm delving into predicting readiness and sleep scores to plan for rest time and recovery based on individual menstrual cycles.


Your Portfolio


  • Data Science
  • Data Analyst
  • Imaging Processing
  • Signal Processing
Your Portfolio


  • Python
  • R
  • SQL
  • Java
Your Portfolio

Machine Learning & AI

  • Scikit-Learn
  • Opencv
  • TensorFlow
  • Keras
Your Portfolio

Daya Analysis & Visualization

  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • PowerBI
  • Tableau


  • Conducted a comprehensive analysis of heart failure patient data to understand the factors influencing mortality. I explored dependencies between variables, calculated descriptive statistics, and visualized the data through various graphs and charts.

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  • Predict readiness/sleep score based on menstrual cycle phase and temperature to recommend to users in advance for planning rest and recovery.

    Github Repository

  • This project is an interactive Frequently Asked Questions assistant built using Streamlit. It uses a dataset of questions and answers.

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  • This code incorporates peak detection functionality, identifying significant peaks in each signal using Scipy.

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  • Utilized an iPhone camera to estimate blood pressure. To achieve this, our approach focuses solely on using photoplethysmography (PPG) data to estimate both systolic and diastolic blood pressure values.